Our Fish
When you purchase our salmon you know exactly where your dinner comes from and who has had a hand in getting it to you. An order of our Fresh Salmon means you're receiving one of the finest products in the world directly from the person who pulled it out of the water no more than three days from when it was caught. When you buy our Fresh Frozen Salmon, the product is prepared and frozen with the highest and fastest quality standards. All of our fish are processed by hand in a small facility, and sustainably harvested. Once you have tried our salmon you will appreciate its superior freshness and taste.
With seasonal variations, we offer wild;
King Salmon (Chinook)
Ivory King Salmon (Chinook)
Coho Salmon (Silver)
Keta Salmon (Chum or Dog)
Pink Salmon (Humpback)
Black Cod (Sablefish)
Yelloweye Rockfish
Spot Shrimp
Our fish is available whole headless, in fillets, portions, burger, collars, steaks, glazed whole, and occasionally smoked.
Custom Processing
We sell our fish, and we we can help you sell yours, too! Yakobi Fisheries operates in a newly-renovated section of the old Pelican Seafoods processing building in Pelican, AK. The processing area is DEC and FDA licensed to process seafood. Yakobi Fish offers custom filleting, packaging, freezing, storage, and shipping of all fish species. We are licensed to process sport-caught fish as well as commercially-caught fish. If you’re a sport fisherman looking for professional packaging of your fish, or a commercial fisherman interested in direct marketing your catch, we can process your fish and even help you design custom labeling. If you are planning a trip to Pelican or the outer coast of Chichagof Island, contact us and we will set you up.

King Salmon (Chinook) are the largest and rarest salmon of the five Alaskan species. They are rich in flavor and high in Omega-3 fats. The meat is succulent and almost creamy in texture due to its high oil content. Kings can range in size from 10-70 pounds dressed, but average about 12 pounds for Alaskan hook-and-line caught.

Coho Salmon (Silver) are the second largest species and more abundant than Kings. They have a mild flavor due to a lower fat content and the lowest calorie count of the five species, but are still high in protein. Alaska hook-and-line caught Coho range in size from 4-24 pounds dressed, but average about 6lbs.

Halibut are large flatfish that live on the bottom of the ocean. They can grow to be upwards of 6 feet long and well over 500lbs! Hook-and-line caught halibut average 35-40lbs. Their meat is pearly white, mild in flavor with a firm flaky texture. It is a lean meat and high in protein. Most halibut are caught by "long line," another hook-and-line fishery used to catch bottom fish.

Sockeye Salmon are known for their rick flavor and distinctive deep red flesh, that remains when cooked. Yakobi's sockeye are gillnet caught, a form of fishing by net, and still retrieved by hand. Sockeye are very high in omega-3's and average 6 pounds.

Black cod, or sablefish, is prized for its melt-in-your-mouth texture. (We like to call it sea-butter). Our black cod are caught by long-line or sometimes in pots. The largest population of black cod are right here in Alaska and they average 5-10 pounds.

Keta Salmon (Chum or Dog) have a mild tasting, firm flesh. They're great as a whole grilled or roasted fillet. Keta are also an excellent fish to smoke! A lower cooking temp is best because of their lower fat content compared to other salmon. Keta are an excellent source of omega-3's, selenium, phosphorous, & potassium. Yakobi Keta average around 8 pounds and gillnet caught.

Pacific cod is a versatile, healthy whitefish. It has moist, firm fillets with a large flake and a slightly sweet flavor. Often just called "cod", it is low in fat and calories and has high protein and mineral content. Cod are caught longlining, in pots, or by jigging, and average 5-10 pounds.

Pink Salmon (Humpback) are the most abundant of the 5 salmon species. They average 2-3 pounds and are an excellent source of omega-3's, selenium & phosphorus, and protein. Pink salmon have a delicate, light flavor that are great for grilling or roasting with your favorite sauce. Yakobi pink salmon are troll caught.

Rockfish come in a variety of colorful species that vary greatly in size from 3 to 30 pounds. Yakobi rockfish are troll and longline caught. Rockfish flavors are mild to rich, with a firm to flaky texture. Each is high in protein and omega-3's and delicious!